If you are an active job seeker and you sure enough need a job the soonest possible  you must ensure that your desperation does not become obvious during your job application or while approaching a potential employer.

Oftentimes you may have the temptation of cutting corners or taking the shorter route, but remember that opportunities with quality employers only belong to those that remember to maintain a professional demeanor at all times and keep in mind a few tips.



  • Drafting a lengthy cover letter
  • Prettify an excessively long Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Getting your CV easily available on social networking sites give out a ‘message of desperation’ & puts you in a position you don’t need to be in.
  • Avoid being too verbose or making your CV look like a flow-chart or a financial statement, you can demonstrate your presentation skills on a separate occasion.
  • Avoid making comments on social networking sites with remarks such as “Please check my profile”, take time to send personalized message /email with your professional CV – remember that if you do not have the time to apply for a job, do not expect the employer/recruiter to make that time for you.
  • Don’t send job applications to a mass email list – Group emails are a complete turn off for potential employers/recruiters.
  • Refrain from sending your CV via messenger or Whatsapp unless specifically asked by the potential employer
  • Avoid naming your CV with titles such as “resume”  or “CV new”, remember that the potential employer is reviewing hundreds of CV’s and yours must be distinguishable


Ensure that your CV includes:

  • A Professional photograph
  • As much factual information as possible – suggesting sales achievements, size of operations managed, teams etc..
  • Your CV should follow a sensible naming convention i.e. ideally “your name” along with an indication of your area of specialization or functional expertise

Ensure regular follow up on job applications and run a targeted search to obtain a role within your job function and field of work.

Remember, job hunting can be a monotonous and sometimes a painful process but tenacity and hard work will help you hit home.

All the best for your  job hunting!