Terranova Services

What we do best: Services at Terranova

  • At Terranova Strategic HR Partner we offer to work in tandem with your business to support your succession planning, improving your talent retention and advising you on proactively planning your downsizing as and when your business requires in-line with the vision of your organization.
  • We cater to your organization’s two primary professional areas which is Resourcing and talent planning and learning and development.

Types of Search Services:

  • Fully Contingent Search – Temporary & Interim Staffing – If you have a permanent or a temporary position that you would like us to assist you with, please contact us on contingencysearch@terranovashrp.com
  • Temporary & Interim Staffing – If you have a permanent or a temporary position that you would like us to assist you with, please contact us on contingencysearch@terranovashrp.com
  • Engaged /Delimited Search
  • Retained Search
  • Executive Search – Comprehensive search for your top level executives. For your requirements to identify business leaders, please contact our consultant for our Executive Search Methodology and timelines.

Other HR Services

Market Mapping

TERRANOVA engages with its clients and assists organizations with industry mapping, providing useful market intelligence within a specific sector, offering valuable insights about existing talent pool within the current business environment ,the career motivation of key business drivers and analysis of their remuneration which involves salary bench-marking. If you are interested in availing this service please contact us on contact@terranovashrp.com

Compensation Bench-Marking

Compensations play a pivotal role in retaining and attracting people and so organizations are realizing the need to hire top talent and hiring exceptional talent necessitates organizations to match remunerations that are competitive or better than what competitors in the industry are offering.

Compensation bench-marking provides information that has been derived (or acquired) through market intelligence and experience of over a decade in the Middle East and African region ,offering our client the competitive edge to evaluate its compensation structure and remunerate its business critical positions as per industry standards and keeping in mind what competing organizations are offering.

To find out more about our Compensation bench-marking service, please get in touch with us on

Candidate Profile Evaluation

We live in a world that is typically mediocre. While there may exist an enormous number of professionals, there still remains an overriding need for high performing executives who leave a lasting impact on the organization. Discovering highly qualified and able leaders require meticulous searching processes as well as immense industry knowledge to identify candidate capability in crucial job roles across various industries.

At Terranova we offer exceptional industry insight with proven search as well as systematic processes to find you the best fit for your organizational needs. Our innovative approach allows organizations to function optimally by attracting leaders who can create an environment of excellence.

Independent Reference Checking

It is imperative for a business to get its hiring right as the failure to do so could result in the business incurring huge costs.

Research shows that a wrong hire can cost a company more than 10 times the annual compensation of the individual and our experience suggests that the biggest hiring mistakes are made due to the lack of effective due-diligence carried out on prospective hires.

In addition to the search and selection process to identify the right candidate for your business, Terranova Strategic HR Partners offers its Independent Reference Checks (IRC) as a precursory step needed to make a final hiring decision.

Independent Reference Checks are carried out to restate and attest your decision to hire the candidate in question and ensure that the hiring decision for the desired position is a success.

Being experts in the search and selection industry, we cannot emphasize enough on the importance of IRC and we encourage our clients to avoid skipping this very important step in their hiring process which can significantly reduce  your overall recruitment cost.

To know more about this service, please connect with our team.

Sector Specialization

Terranova Strategic HR Partners has more than a decade of experience working with a set of diverse businesses and across multiple functions.

Whether your requirement is to seek HR solutions for a specific/niche industry segment or you are looking for assistance in a specific function, our team has the experience and the expertise to aid and complement the implementation of  your HR strategy and thereby achieving your business goals.