One of the greatest challenges facing businesses today is identifying top-notch talent and retaining them. In a growing economy and a loose labor market like ours, organizations are confronted by a bigger challenge of identifying High performing individuals.

It is also important to note that the Middle East employment market is transient and professionals are constantly moving and on the look out for opportunities that may pay well with short-term career plans spanning between 2-3 years.

In a constantly changing and complex global economy it is extremely essential to identify candidates who are not just excellent fits for their respective jobs but those who are intrinsically motivated, looking for long-term career opportunities and will offer the edge needed to exceed share holders’ expectations and perform to the utmost for high RoI.

Terranova Experts

Our team at Terranova are qualified HR professionals who have gained local market exposure through recruiting in the Gulf region, other Middle East countries, African region and special projects in Europe and other continents.

Why Terranova

At Terranova we want to partner with you in mining out the golden candidate who possess high performance working ethics, business acumen , professionalism along with the right level of competency required to do the job well.

Our screening and evaluation process is thorough and we invest time in understanding your requirements and recognize skills that are a key to visibly and positively impact your business and then matching our search parameters that coincide with your critical business needs to source a pool of ‘best-fit’ talent.

Based on the nature of your organization’s needs we assist you to plan and execute your talent identification and acquisition activities.

In addition to our resourcing and selection methods we also offer assistance to our clients in using additional selection methodologies such as : Perfect Prediction, Personality Profiling, Ability Testing etc..